Monday, May 30, 2005
i like to move it move it! i like to move it move it! you like to?

melman the giraffe! whee! so cute!

Sunday, May 29, 2005
morning had the ministerial visit for cck constituency. then pjchoir had 6 stalls haha. my grp in charge of selling kites. woah! at first we were like."huh?who will buy lar?" but guess wat!! we sold 101 pieces of kites in like 3 hrs!! WOAH rite. hahaahahaaa*grins widely*
then met ah pearl and azu for shopping!! then shop here there. calories lost larr. then! we watch madagascar!! i strongly recommend man! it's so farnie! there are 4 main animals inside alex THE lion, marty the zebra, melman the cuteeeeeee giraffe, gloria the hippo ahahahaa. there are sub characters like the penguins!!! and the squirrels!! the cutest squirrel is the youngest one!! it has the eyes of the puss in boots from shrek 2!! i like melman best! he's like forever getting into trouble wahahahahaa cos he's too tall hahahaa but i still like the cute cute squirrel best!!mwack!!!
so funny!!!!!!!!!must must must watch!! gr8 showw thou abt 1 hr 15 min long only.
went for nyjc choir concert today. they were ok larr. hahaa.
then ms ong say next one is us. oOo!!
we got lost on the way there can. then i rmb the kopitiam that we ate dessert at during the open hse that day. see i got GOOD memory. then i lead the way lehh!! hahaa. feel so......shuang!!!! hahaa... ran from the kopitiam there to the school. 2 busstops okk!! and we shun bian peep into the condo swimming pool again hahaaz.
on the way back.whole 105 is pjchoir lorr. then we were singing till there was you.oOo....so nice!!!!!! ahhhhhh.>.<
Sunday, May 22, 2005
i smell of cookies.
and the sight of cookies turns me off. woof.
and i pro at packaging cookies le. next time hire me.
did all these today afternoon till night. quite fun. we had to eat the samples thou, so sad. somemore all chao ta one. *sobs* but! for alto-es yes!
cookies, apple dip in chocolate,cornflakes in chocolate.that's wat we are doing for fund raising for alto-es going for australian trip. ppl!! if u all want any orders, tell me!! all support are welcome man!! (:
Sunday, May 15, 2005
yay! went out with today. so happy. thanks guys! for the wonderful celebration! in church and dotties(: the cake was cakelicious! luv the neoprints and jj cd LOADS! mwaaaahs.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
had chem prac yesterday. and cos we have only 1 hr for practical everyone starting getting very gan jiong.even tho it's an experiment that we are so familiar with.things that we wont do usually started happening.first stanley broke a pipette.then ding! mingjie rmb it's friday the 13! and we started guessing how many we'll break today.hehe.since it's only 1.90 hahaa.then we starting hearing ping ping pang pang. it's contagious .we start having butter fingers.ooh my pipette filler flew into the sink.hohoho.oh yes!grace c's measuring cylinder got stuck in the mouth of the conical flask hahaaaaa.so funny..
went for camp meeting after college day rehearsal.frankly,one of the most "comfortable" meetings that i went to.glad to be with this bunch.(:
hmm,bday.sad lar went home from school at 8.bleah.ooh.and the char siew bird ate my charsiew when i go buy drink. no manners lar! waste the whole plate of food): some more i had econs and maths test that day.
Friday, May 06, 2005
went back to st marg's today.
mrs lee memorial service.
so fast ehhs.one year le):
yup.no matter we want it or not.we have already moved on.
u will always be in our hearts.then after that was sorta a mini dotties gathering.oh! i miss them so so so much.nthg could express how happy i was when i see them again. we were hugging each other updating each other with all the small lil stuff that happened in our lives.aww.miss them much.so glad that i managed to get back to attend the memorial service.
so happy that michelle actually gotten me a lil hebe look alike figurine!so kawaii!!!! altho not ella but hebe also very cute!!!thanks mich~!!!!! come i give u flying kiss.mwaaaaaah.hug hug too!!!!
had dinner with soo and rene.hahaas.crap loads!!hahaaz.aWw miss u guys loads man!!
hope we can meet up soon.ciao.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
forgot to blog.
no seriously totally slipped my mind.hahaa..
short termed memory.anyways,back in choir again. which meant i passed the audi hahaa. yippies.
counting down.4 more days.
had full dress rehearsal today.so tiring lar!with all the make up and stuff by the time we started singing my feet has already started aching.urgh.heels.i hate.
my homework is piling! and i mean literally piling. i have 2 econs essay.3 econs articles.econs reflective journal.gp comprehension.maths tutorial s3 s4 s5.physics tutorial.chem bonding tutorial.PI draft two.oh no.i seriously feel that teachers think that one more day of holiday is rally a lot of time ehhs?they start to pile u with all the homework in the world.all because, u are gonna have a loooooooong weekend.right.
monday.goin out with rene they all..most prob.but also have class outing lei.they going kbox!urgh!tough decision!oh no.hahaa.lemme weigh the pros and cons.hahaaas.
yawns.till next time bah.