Saturday, May 27, 2006
alright, i'll update later if i have the mood. let me go chill first.
now i felt how serene felt previously.
i wrote this long entry and when i click save the whole page hangs.
and my mom just accused me for moving her vase causing her to break the vase when she move a little. OK, i just sat on her floor and watched teevee.
hrmphs. stupid blogger.
Friday, May 19, 2006
wow it's the end of the week again. time seriously DO flies.
felt tired the past week. is it just me or it seems our days are always so tiring? haiz.
anyways, watched poseidon today.thumbs up. very nice. but too bad they didnt show behind the scenes. heard that most of the water effects were done indoor. can you believe it. omgosh la. it's a MUST to catch people. watch it. no wonder it's rated 4 stars. haha.
urphs.dreading sunday.i'm leading in worship. alrights. i shall not freak out. if i freak out i will start blabbering nonsense and have the plastic smile on my face. nooooooo! i dun want that to ruin my wonderful sunday! i always look forward to sundays la. please don't let me freak out. crossed fingers. praying reaaaaaaally hard.
haiz.whatever it is. i just have to face it, conquer my fear, be prepared, enjoy the whole process and give my best to God(:
Monday, May 15, 2006
grins ^_________________^
happy weekend.
gotten many weird pressies. haha.
my bday was coincidentally the vesak day. yays. no school!
went jack's place that day. had steak and chicken, lobster soup, the big potato with fillings, and ice cream((: it was WOW. ahah. thanks mama , uncle baba (:
11may, class gave me a pillow. i'm hugging it to sleep! hurrs.

12 may. received many blessings. want to thank yumiao especially, you sent me 3 messages!! THANKYOU(: haha but i doubt you will see this. i didnt even tell you my blog address. haha.
13 may soohuay gave me a cake! ahah.so innovative la. and it was hello kitty! -_-" haha.

14 may solomons gave me a pair of earrings!! heh. so sweeeet. thank everyone for the card. i LOVE IT. thanks ally for choosing the earrings. i'm wearing it right this moment((: thanks sharon for all the effort in getting the NICEST CARD IN THE WORLD and getting everyone to write wishes in the card ((: LOVE YOU GUYS la.

whaha. how wonderful can my photography skills get? very wonderful. haha. look how blurred the photo looks. haha. urghs.
today (: pearlie gave me a beeeeg box. haha full of small containers. 18 of them. haha. and photos of us!!

haha.they are meant to organise my room. haha. yes mummy i get your message ya? i'll be patiently waiting for your arrival to come help me in this big event! haha!
k la so basically this sums up my birthday. i'm feeling so blessed. believe it or not, i'm feeling glad my contacts are lost before my birthday. my primary school friends remembered my birthday and they messaged me. and i got back some of the contacts. what if it happened after? then, i will be hundred times depressed. now, here's the wonders of God's love ((:
and previously i actually had a cross attached to my old phone.the one qiuxiang laoshi gave me. i had tied a dead knot onto it. and some how some day last month the knot broke and the cross fell off. and now it's safely kept in my wallet((: see? it sensed it coming. haha.
alrights, seems so unlively without some pics of human. haha. there!

there's my corrine, my 12 may , my ally ((:

and here's yulun and nicholas. we took this during chem tut! haha! how retarded can they get? very retarded. hahahaha.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
got the new phone.
nokia 3250.
hmm, but not much feeling. came too sudden maybe.
anyways, supposed to be a happy entry (:
clap clap clap!
a new phone finally.
should thank the stealer actually. i got a new phone one month in advance!(:
thanks everyone whom showed concern, i truly appreciated it. soohuay,serene,shirley,pearlie,corrine and most of all my family. although i grumbled when my mum scolded me. but she did lots for me too. actually all of them did loads. i knew nuts on doing the aftermath work, and they did it all, be it replacing another sims card, the phone, cancellation of all the cards and stuff. thank you. thank you. thank you. sometimes its kind of hard to say it face to face. the thank you-s and the sorry-s. to the ppl closest to your heart. haiz. i don't have the courage eh. wimp. yes. that's the word.
anyways, here's the phone!

you turn 90 deg, its a camera, you turn 90 deg, its a music player. sucha interesting phone!!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
i was scared. then sad. then regret.
handphone pouch pickpocketed. my handphone, i/c and ez link.
and now my mum's scolding me. right this moment. saying how troublesome it'll get, losing the i/c.
yes i know. did i actually wanted it to happen? haiz.
no one helped. was frantically looking for my hp pouch. and everyone was looking at me. looking. not helping at all.i think they saw lo. but singaporeans. oh wells.and some how i stayed calm and even managed to get to bishan.
thanks soohuay.. was so relieved when u answered my call.thanks for gg with me to police station too. and studying with me after that. crapping actually. although you had mo qi du zi tong. haha. thanks. thanks for lending me your phone too. used like for 10 mins i think lor. thanks a million.
sad. memories. photos. sms-es. contacts. of
all that i know.
regrets. why didnt i be slightly more alert? or i had not procrastinate and carried my bag in front of me and not behind?
haiz. all the bad luck. car accident. and now the pickpocketing. haiz. and shirley's com crash. and fel's fractured knee. and soohuay's stomachache for two weeks. is this the 18-year-old curse? ok im thinking way too much.
everything will be just fine. right? (:
Friday, May 05, 2006
5 th may 2006
SAJCCB presents Saints Ascencio
it was
nice nice
i would have totally
regret for not going for this concert.
and yes, the solos were all so beautiful. the pieces were not boring at all coming from all over the places like arsenal, japan chanteys gulliver's travels etc.
and they added drama and singing and dancing into the concert! and we spotted talents! woah. moses. he's greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat(: and ya serene's panda is cute. haha. blur blur.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
upcoming concerts!
5 may SA band concert
21 may HC choir concert ( maybe haha.)
3 june Philharmonic winds concert
yays! i love concerts.
oh and did i mention i went for Catholic High's band concert during the easter weekend? haha oh wells. it was good. but last year's was better.haha.
and musicals! love musicals too! Koichi Domoto's Endless SHOCK was brilliant. haha. nice.
like serene mentioned, we feel so musically inclined. haha. alrights. music rocks. agree? (:
to all who's having mid-yrs:
JIAYOU! endure!! two more weeks and you get to play
Faith makes you do the impossible(: