Friday, June 30, 2006
be strongthat's all i can tell you.don't know how to help you too.but i will pray.praying really hard. anything, call me. don't even know if you'll see this. haha.
oh shucks. suddenly i rmbed. my contacts. it's NOT in the memory card. it's in the phone memory. OH MY TIAN. not a single thought cross my mind. she was telling me all the phone memory will be gone. i still asked her how about things in the memory card? and she said no it will still be there. so i happily said ok(:
now? i rmb-ed my contacts! !
ppl. start giving me your numbers. again. i'm so sorry. and thank you.
my phone's sent for repairment ):
so i'll be phone-less till Monday.
what happen??
haha, well basically, there was no reception. and my phoney showed signs that the reception is going weak. it takes from 2 sec to 10 sec to 20 sec to 1 min to send one message.
based on my own observations, it's due to the bottom turning part. cos i always turn it to take photos so it's getting a bit loose. can't really feel the loose-ness because i had a protection cover over it. so it was till recently that i realised.
So with the no reception matter, my phoney smartly auto offs itself and on again to "regain" reception. of course, to no avail. last night, it auto off-ed and on-ed itself like 3 times. was stunned. bahhs. not a good owner eh. with all the protection layers, cushioned pouch, and still it has to be sent for repairment so fast. my previous phone, no matter how i throw it across the bed, it still lasted one and a half years with me. till it changed owner. not a single time sent for repairment):
the care centre counter plucked out my sims card from my phone. in the process she touched my never-been-touched before phone back cover. like hello! my phone leh! I don't even bare to touch it alright! nows got your finger prints all over it. ahh. and sihui and shirley said she has the same phone as me. pink one. haiz, nothing to say.
alrights, so, this is supposed to be dedicated to my phoney who is lying in the care centre fumbled by the technicians now. sure hope they find out the problem. i want my phone back good as new!!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
was feeling bored just now. so i went to revisit my blog entries. interesting i can say. it's been woah, a year plus already. and my life evolves around a few places only . school church home shop. HAHA. simple life. ladeedaa.haha.
Hmm, this is a good place to keep memories. some day I'll pen it all down. On paper. With ink(: You know that kinda feeling. it's more real.
this week is fantastically sucky. you might be asking how sucky can life get? well, if you have 2 papers everyday and its papers on same subjects on alternate days. what would you feel? you'll be so sick of studying it all over again. like HUH chem again?! adding to that, papers are in the morning and afternoon. three hours each. by the time i reach home i'l be so drained out by the brain squeezing exercises. what more brain juice can i squeeze out to study for the next day's papers? Haiz. so, to destress i make it a point to come online everyday. long or short. haha. actually, i don't have to make it a point, this action actually just comes naturally. haha. you know, striker's like telling me hey! you havent bothered about me today! i'm sad! awww how would i bare to see my laptop sad? haha. so i have to on lappie everyday lah. HEH.
oh no. sense anything wrong? I'm talking to myself! it MUST be the side effects. overdosage of chemical/mechanical/mathematical formulae. today had maths paper 2 in the morning then physics paper 3 in the afternoon. SEE. so tiring la. Who scheduled it that way?! She must be someone who doesn't realy understand time management :x haha can blog until I scold people.
ok la. after this self-counselling session, i shall now switch mode.

but i feel like this now

bahh. bright side bright side it's my fourth and third last paper tmr! yippies! (:
Sunday, June 18, 2006
the praying list : -
1) for sharon's jaw to be better and tmr she can talk!
2) ally's mids starting on tue, wed
3) soo's daddy
jiayou soo!4) mich's many many projects and her stressful waking-her-sis-up-from-the-delusion battle
5) the many many basketball matches that the church youths gonna take part in this sat
6) fel's leg to be better cos school's starting!!
7) for allll our mids exams JIAYOU! GAMBATTE NE!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
escaping from reality
although frankly, im always escaping. haha.
i need one now
i'm tired.
just tired.
of everything.i guess.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
it's been a looooooooong time since i last updated.
life's bland. just studying. haha. but interesting too. cos studying with soo is hmm entertaining, amusing,humorously funny. haha.
how's the new layout? serene changed it for me.thanks dear! we preview-ed so many so many skins. haha and i finally settled on this. nothing extraordinary, just purely felt it's meaningful.
haiz. if only sciences don't exist. but then again we depend on them.
haiz if only i don't study them.
Friday, June 02, 2006
life's great. or so it seems(:
u'll actually find mugging a pleasant thing cos everyone around you are mugging.
you'll feel motivated.
went wld lib ytd with soo. mugged from 3 plus to 8. haha then we walk walk-ed. cavana sells cheese balls/sausages! soo says they're very nice. but just too EX.
went je lib with pearlie today. ponned chem lect. haha. ok, so funny things do happen frequently eh. even if you are guai guai-ly studying in the lib.
psst. sharon's discharged!! amen amen amen!!
she say her face is swollen and painful. but got a lil better today. STILL, there's a long way to go before the swell subsides. so PRAY for her everyone. whoever reads this blog. PRAY! the power of mass praying. and the world praying day is coming! it's on the 4th of June! so cool! oh my.
kk, im off to watch my show, haha.