Tuesday, October 31, 2006
when you are feeling stressed and down from draining your brain with all the millions of words, you need a friend to talk and LAUGH. tummyachily.
met up with pearlie to discuss maths and gp consulation. wasn't really fruitful, 'cos we didnt know the same questions -.-" haha. wanted to go coe. but it was closed when we went over. however, gp was quite fruitful since well, we talked and discussed. haha although pearlie did most of the talking. haha, i contributed too la!! really really.
so went out of sch tog walking that loong stretch of road. saw joan and some girl walking tog.pearlie was asking me, how they know each other, since, joan and that girl seem two diff style and won't ever know each other. so i was giving her some suggestions.
low: how come they know each other?
me: maybe the girl's from bowling too
low: really meh..
me: maybe friend's friend..
me: or maybe they are together!
just when i said that, the girl sling her hand on joan's shoulder!
OMGosh. the timing is purrrrrfect!! hahaha!!
then we bursted out laughing. rolling tummyache kind of laugh! so funny! should have video taped it down. but who will know about the TIMING!! ahhaha. so funny.
it took us 10 minutes to cool down. ahaha. so funnnnny.
hahaha. nah see i posted. i'm so guai la. heh.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
what am i doing online? i should be hitting on my analogue electronics. but...
it seems like i have yet wasted another day today.
did minimal. an essay and 3 physics mcq papers. oh my goodness.
studying seems a chore this two days. i look at my timetable, all i see is piles and piles of books waiting for me to chop them into pieces, throw into the wok, stir, fry, serve.
days are numbered. very numbered. i panic but i can't seem to find the drive that i had last week. why?? oh gosh. please let me survive through this crucial one month. so long, yet so short. i want it to be longer, at the same time, i want it to end right this moment so that i can just eat slack sleep.
maybe this can be my goal that i work towards.
my reward: to eat slack sleep after i survive through this one month.
yes i can do it ya. i can i can i can.
oh btw, ytd's math mock p2 was from rjc. and!! it was miraculously do-able. happified.
but, pearlie concluded that the school set the paper easy for students need their prelim grades for their overseas uni admission. really? to think that i was happy for that teeny bit): but still!! it still proved that my stats are not rusty (:
yay. goood encouragement. alrights, shall continue to go battle with analogue electronics. remind me never to take physics again. full stop(:
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Farewell Assembly - proper
now this post is on the assembly itself, cum some of the photos.
assembly comprised of talk by principal, talk by alumni guy, video clip of our 2 years, video clip of wishes from our teachers.
and, items by our teachers.
first was mr A. singing "my way" . as usual, on
all occasions, we can hear mr A. ahah. no doubt, today's included. initially, it was quite alright, but when it gets to the back, it got boring. aha. but overall, his singing is good(:
then, it was the lamest pe teacher ever mr kwok aka hot pants!! he sang seasons in the sun while he played the guitar. oh my, his charm! haha. the whole hall was HIGH when he started singing. haha!!
if that was not enough, here comes dancing brought to us by ms lee, mr sas, mr yeo, mr low, mrs beh. haha. OH MY GOODNESS. mr sas and ms lee can dance SO WELL. so well! ms lee did a solo before having a duet dance with mr sas where mr sas showed his agility and flexibility!! drools. ahahah!! should have taken photos!! but didnt think of it at that point of time. and mr yeo, mr low, mrs beh joined in with their computer desk chair dance. haha accompanied by the song " one moment in this time" . it was overall an applaudable perf. thanks teachers!
lastly, it was our one and only vice-p mr tay who sang us 2 chinese songs!! the melody is somewhat like one of weilian's song, where weilian hit high notes. the lyrics goes like " zhi shi ai ni ye nan, hen ni ye nan..you mei you yi hai..." the last part is the high notes part. ah what's that song?? oh well, any, for once i found mr tay so..cheena!!! hahaha. go mr tay!! our youngest vice principal!!! (:
7th sc threw sweets round the hall and there was a throwing fit everywhere. i was hit by sweets. front and back. -.-" anyw, it ended with them giving balloons. and we had the farewell feel and let go of the balloons. the hall was filled with balloons. well, almost.

then, we started our photos spree. haha.

me and pearlie's locker! haha. so plain right. many attempts to deco it failed. terribly. haha. so we just bo chup-ed. 
the inside. empty! hahaha. 
stairway to heaven -_-"

more will come. for now, nites. haha. stairway to heaven -.-" hahaha.
The Farewell assembly
Well it's 13th Oct today and it's the last official day of school. so we took many photos as usual.
However, this post isn't on the photos we took today. It is, however on photos we've taken the past 2 years. Haha, and there are some
random photos.
choir photo aboard the Captain Cook's Ship in Sydney last july. gosh, the wind is so strong!! and!! we passed by Sydney Opera House and Sydney Bridge!!

next up, alto-es group photo at Hard Rock Cafe in Sydney! haha..see no evil..hear no evil..speak no evil!! 
alto-es group photo before we depart in Singapore terminal..nice pose nance -_-"
pearlie and i. on the way back from the rugby match in the Hometeam Academy. we won the plate finals. so it means it's the fifth. haha. and SA won the first. psst, pearlie, i got choose the nicer one liao!! ehh, grace!! what you doing behind! peeeek-a-boooooo!! :x
erm, hmm, these are guys from my class. eh-heh. no you didn't see wrongly they are guys acting cute.
sentosa outing last last june. haha. GUYS. act cool. as usual.
pw oral presentation day. teck ming and joseph. eh-heh. we are not taking your photo. reaaaaaally.
our class were trialthon volunteers last may 2006. from what i see. i think this was a candid shot. heheh.
WoWhee..DATING!! so romantic!!! haha..ehh.. but on second thoughts, they seemed like part-time illegal workers! :x
-_-" joseph & yulun stole shan and shir's limelight. hahaha.
Good one guys(:
And yes, we know you guys are strong. hahahaha.
o5s16 chalet last dec. heh. girls' picture!! we posed very long for this photo...
Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006. me, shir, sihui went for the France display. WOW.
This is one of the nicest photos I've ever seen. It's so candid, so real, so artistic! Agree?

My chem tuition mates!!! And NO you are not seeing double. they are twins!!
from left : Louisa, Luciana, me
Good thing they are not in same school (:

photo taken during one of the rainy days when pe is cancelled! heh!!

Mid autumn festival just last week. taken with wenqi! my church mate, pj junior(:

and! solomon knights group photo during qy's bday celebration in August 2006. we looked so happy~~woohoo~~ shuaige meinu~~

the 9 in our group! hahahaha. such a nice photo! some candid, some posed, some forced -.-" haha! hails xinrui's phone~~

some how, i feel after this entry, many ppl will come after me. ahaha. maybe it's best for me to go into hiding? hahahaha.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
a while ago was mid autumn festival. aka, mooncake festival(:
had a mini gathering with solomon knights at xiao gui lin. although the haze was really really bad, we actually managed to not suffocate and hold lanterns and played with candles. HAHA.
we kinda invented a more affordable sparkles. that is lighting chopsticks!! the chopstick will glow after the flame goes off and there's this orangy flame that is so beautiful when u use it to draw big circles in the air. SO NICE!! so, obviously, we were entertaining ourselves with this new found fun~ haha! and there were 2 mooncakes! so we shared the minimal amount of candles, lanterns, and mooncakes and had a great night (: thanks guys. you guys made my day. even if there was the disturbing haze, it was nevertheless of much fun! lalala~ now i can go sleep and mug tmr!! WORK HARDER!((:
Jiayou everyone.
And do take care and drink more water.
argue with your mom to let you on the air con more often ya. i meant, talk to her nicely. haha.
i hope the haze will go off really soon.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
actually, come to think of it, i can see myself having tai tai shopping trips with you guys
too ((:
ahah. random!
and why not we change to
saggy or smthg?
random in random!
how? you might ask.
everything's WELL! haha.
although of course I was having inner shivers all round my body before the actual thing. and i kept repeating the pathetic 4 sentences.
haha. but all went well. i started to not feel the nervousness on stage once i started talking.
i said "Ping An" (peace) and the crowd replied "Ping An" from then....i was feeling relieved. haha. cos i can hear my own voice. haha!! then everything went very fast. super fast!!
haha. after the thing, i broke into sweat!! haha!! that's one syndrome of feeling RELIEVED. haha. and many said good job. hahah. so now grace is a happy girl [:
most importantly, THANK YOU LORD[: for calming my nerves again and again and again.
and SHARON ALISON YONGREN PEARLIE AZURA SERENE YINGHUI XIUCHENG SONGYANG EDMUND and my mother haha basically everyone who encouraged/jiayou-ed!! xiexieni ((:
and ISAAC and YINGSHAN for giving me this opportunity.
THANKS lo ((:
haha i sound as if i just received an award. but WHO CARES. i like to thank ppl ma!