Thursday, December 21, 2006

i'm the camera man!! director!!

at this tian kong zhi cheng.

in the light rail towards yuen long. to eat b zai ice.

ya lui gai. see top right corner. see 3 small faces of caucasians? i tell you, they glimmer and shine in real life!! AND i don't know why they are so coincidentally caught in this photo!!!

dimsum on trolley!!!
the christmas flowers from the flower garden street.
macau St. Paulo street. ( me and michelle)
Streets of St. Paulo.
Penguins in Yuen Long.

Hard Rock Cafe Hong Kong.
back! from hong kong and macau.
hee. wonderful trip.
macau's really beautiful. some places eh. but not the public transport, the old people almost fought over seats, debating who is older and should get the seat. so scary.
hongkong's nice. many streets to walk. but i got tired after the first 2 days of massive walking from streets to streets. suddenly i realise i actually don't like excessive shopping trips. hahah. but, it was still a very fruitful trip. took a whole load of transport. the mtr train, the kbm bus, the public bus, the light rail, the ding ding tram, the taxi, the turbo jet, the plane! haha.
went through loads of customs. the day we went macau, we went through at least 4 customs as we left hk to go into macau then left macau to go china ( zhu hai) to eat dimsum then back to macau to shop then back to hk. wow.
tried roasted pigeon. nice!! delicious!! tried zhu zai bao in macau. nice!!!!!! and many others. haha.
Star Ferry photos.
1) statues of camera man and director.
2)me and ANDY'S hand!
3)me and TONY's hand!
4)Li Xiao Long statue.
5) St Paulo in Macau.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
wakin concert 02 dec 06

jack and the bean sprout, local production, wild rice production, 03 dec 06, matinee.

7th Church Youth Leadership Camp 05 - 07 dec 06

prom, grad night 06, 30 nov 06
Friday, December 08, 2006
haven't been updating. as i haven't had the time to sort out the pictures for the events of the past two weeks.
just here to make my presence known.
just came back from FES church camp yesterday.
okay, shall update the photos tonight.