Wednesday, August 29, 2007
HAIRSPRAY is super nice! :D
btw, i only have one lesson tmr!! and i kept thinking that i end at 6.30pm. wheee!
sooo, i end at 3 tmr! wahoo!
due to lack of lecture theatres.
ps. today' s tuition went well. haha. ok, maybe not really at the levers part. haha.
time for intensive primary education tuition!
for me.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
it has been raining the whole day.
the dark sky makes people moody :(
just finished watching finale of coffeeprince.
was full of anticipation yesterday, but after i watched, felt empty.
coffeeprince has accompanied me for the last 2 months.
great show.
every tue and wed i will feel the anxiousness and excitement in me.
it became smthg i look forward to every week. haha.
weird huh. how it absorbs people and make you walk on par with it.
that's the side effects of watching a wellmade drama :]
:(:(:( starting to miss the show.
there's still one more to look forward to tmr.
the making of coffeeprince :]
and tmr's the first tuition session. with a p5.
omgosh. fingers crossed.
lets hope i wont freak out. haha.
i need to know what is the syllabus!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
i want to watch hairspray
and high school musical 2
and ratatouille!
any takers?
so random.
and i'm into zac efron's ladies choice :D
from hairspray. whee.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
i need my sleep badly.
anyw, here's the weekly dosage of econs.
oh man, i have no life.
lect: ...ok look at the brunei..he meant blue line.
it took me quite a while to actually uderstand that he wasn't stating an example.
that was the most significant. haha.
till the later part, i was half dazing away alrdy. haha.
so yup.
im tired.
but my hair's not dry.
and, why are some things said to me with another version?
and, things cant be done without you around, that was a quite a comment.
somehow, i was quite taken aback by that comment.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
as piggy requested to see the shuai-ge i said from sodagreen, here's the photo taken from mypaper.sg during the sodagreen concert last saturday.
ah kai - electric guitarist

this is the super cool xinyi. bassist.

the violinist/dancer/pianist

and i can't find a nice nice picture of my drummer ah wei. so i've decided not to post. haha.
below's the link to the opening song of that night.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
previously, i collated my econs lect's jokes.
and some commented that they do not understand.
so here i am, being a kind girl, decided to explain!
randomness 4,
econs lecture,
"ok, when it is elastic demand, the curve must be very
frat. an elastic demand curve is
fratter than inelastic curve!"
- it was supposed to be a flatter curve." when it is inelastic, the curve is
- its a steeper curve."all the points on the
rat line.."
- its a red line."you cannot bargain the price with the doctor, cos he will finish cutting and ask you to sew the wound yourself..very painful..so it is an inelastic demand.."
- a half finished operation."you only have one heart, you dont have two hearts so you are not flirtatious.."
- you ain't two-timer, cos you only have one heart.there!
is it clearer now?
i hope so.
the weekly dose of economic theories.
the Law of diminishing marginal utility.means: the additional satisfaction one derives from consuming one more unit of a good declines as a consumer consumes more and more of a good.
lecturer: ..." let's say you go on a first date, you will reach at 6 when your date is at 7. and is worried when she doesn't reach by 8."
"a year later, you get irritated when your date comes 5 minutes late."
"4 years later, you two started quarrelling.."
"5 years later, heated arguments over smallest things.."
"6 years later, you all start to fight. kick and punch kick and punch.."
"7 years later, you two break up, that's why there's a research saying that couples break up aft 7 years.."
" and that's how the law of diminishing marginal utility comes about!"
describing a point on the graphlecturer: "... ok, can you all see the point on the screen?"
starts drawing circles with the pointer on the screen.
"now, cos students reflected that they can't see the point when i dont move the pointer, so i'm moving the pointer so that you all can see the point."
"not because i have parkinson disease ah.."
so amusing.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
omgosh, i think i ate too many bananas.
i'm having the runs:(
Sunday, August 12, 2007
today is a happy day [:
firstly, i love the cardiolatino dance today. cos i could follow. haha.
secondly, i went for sodagreen concert today!
i LOVE live BAND performance!!!
Love love love.
Love love love.
time: 1945hrs
location: republic poly cultural centre main auditorium.
mood: not very high.
time: 2015hrs
time: 2338hrs
location: same
mood: UPER uper HIGH
due to: 2 encores. one HIGHER than the other, with the second one, so unexpected when all of us were about to leave, and they came out and we dashed to the stage and it became a rock concert. WOOHOO. the violin was terribly nice. the drums were horrigibly nice. fanatastic!! i love the drums!! and the 2nd encore was an impromptu, where we had song dedications!!
the band version of 我的未来不是梦 is superrrrrr nice. it was all soothing in front, and with a click of the finger, the drums banged, the bass guitars strummed and rocked the whole hall!
and digression, i shoke qingfeng(the lead singer's) hand, the violinist/panist/dancer danced in front of me.. haha.. his dancing is really random. ohmygosh.
and while qingfeng went around the hall shaking hands and singing, the violinist quietly went to the back of the hall which is SO NEAR me and started playing his violin. WOOOOOO.he had really good skills. he was the only guy with instrument and was able to walk around. haha. how to walk with the drumset? o.O
then, i JUST LOVE their chit chats. qingfeng is super lame. he forgot to bring his costumes to singapore and had to buy both the shirts in singapore this morning. and the leader/guitarist( i forgot his name) and him mentioning his girlfriend is so hilarious. haha!
leader:" i heard of this famous band's member who said onstage that the most beautiful voice on stage heard is actually the voices of the audience singing."
which i totally agree, and here comes the funny part,
qingfeng:"for you i don't think so oh, i heard that you say the most beautiful voice you heard is your girlfriend voice singing your demo lo.."
then the leader started playing with the sunflower given by the fans(shyness!!):" the sunflower so pretty.."
he is so shy!!
and did i mention the bassist, ah kai , is SUPER SHUAI. wo de tian.
BUT I LIKE my drummer the best :D
super cute when he plays the drums.
gets totally into his own world!!
head going with the rhythm. left right left right.
kawaii!! :D
during impromptu encore, qingfeng was telling them which part to start playing from, then he was too soft and ahwei can't hear him, so from his drums position he gve a very loud "HUH??"
and qingfeng said..
"HUH 屁啦。。你这光头。。"
and ahwei gave a super innocent/sad face and it was an: AWWWWWWW!!!
hahaha..so cute!!!
then qingfeng said..
so cute..
and he went on..
qingfeng is so bad! oh my goodness! but it was still quite funny. was laughing non stop -.-"
and another scene was,
he started changing the lyrics impromptu-ly and successfully finished one verse, then he said..
"我好厉害哦,快叫我张帝!" and he proudly grins.
faints.so cute! so hilarious!like a little boy!
(ps, zhang di is an old singer who is super good at changing lyrics on the spot..)
and they sang ,many other ppl's songs like 陈绮贞 旅行的意义, 何日君再来, toxic ,creep, 林义莲(?) 夜太黑 with a special guest, a saxophonist!! it was the BEST MUSIC COMBINATION. grins.
overall it was a great concert. I LOVE LIVE BAND :D
qingfeng's voice is really nice.
too bad he didnt sing zhang xuan's songs.
a great performance.
so many high songs and we were jumping like nobody's business.
at our area, me and serene were the only high ppl -.-
but who cares~ such a HIGH CONCERT, why sit down!!
only sat down when it were the slow songs. music appreciation time.
but i was more drawn towards the keyboard/violin/drums, basically the music.
but there was this one slow song where qingfeng sang w/o accompaniment, with this special mike that made his voice seemed far away, creating a hoarse feel, which is really good.
and i must say, the rp's auditorium's sound system is really good.
they are really clever to make the walls/floorings/chairs wooden. accoustic is goood. and there weren't any deafening mike explosions, so the sound system is real good!
graceh is very happy today!
i shall go for mayday someday.
ps, did i type too much?
pps, serene, yea think i'll dream of sodagreen too haha!high-ness!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
caught goblet of fire on hbo yesterday.
call me slow. haha
but it was definitely so much better than this episode. mann.
intensity level was so high!!
why did the senior die! so sad for him! :(
hermoine was really pretty inside.
and and harry is so young!! o.O
andandand, he looked really scary when he ate the weird grass that made him became a mermaid?? gross..
and just nice sharon gave that analogy right after i watched the movie.
i can totally imagine.
poor girl.
i'll pray hard hard for you, have a gooood rest and dont wear earrings ya?
maybe its the body responding to the cold.
yups yups.
and randomness,
my dad was real insistent that harry should speak some chinese to the chinese girl so that he can go into the china market.
randomness 2,
worship night tmr, and i can't go:(
randomness 3,
fairprice finest is really cool. soooo many things. happily whizzing around with the trolley from level one to level two. do drop by the bt plaza. haha.
randomness 4,
econs lecture,
ok, when it is elastic demand, the curve must be very frat. an elastic demand curve is fratter than inelastic curve!" " when it is inelastic, the curve is sleeper...""all the points on the rat line..""you cannot bargain the price with the doctor, cos he will finish cutting and ask you to sew the wound yourself..very painful..so it is an inelastic demand.." "you only have one heart, you dont have two hearts so you are not flirtatious.."-buahahaha.kindly collated by g.h.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
the school hours for thursday and friday is heinous..ok, is heinous the word? maybe tedious.
anyway, i have no idea how am i going to survive for the rest of the semester (= year) and stay attentive in lessons. maybe cos its the start of school and i havent adapt to it.
yup, thats right. i will get there! yay!
oh ya, look at the height of notes i got from my first lessons.

and this is ONE chapter for this particular module i'm taking............. T.T sobs T.T sobs.
freaked out?
don't fret, things will get better :D
that aside, went for festival of praise(fop) on friday.
you can totally see a split personality right after school on friday :]
righttt ally??
and we practically flew there. ok lar, me to blame. haha. for having lessons till 6.30. and we reached at 7.30 sharp, causing us to sit facing the back of the screen.
but anyhow,
it was great. great. great. great.
don moen! :):):):):):):)
delirious? !! :):):)
phil pringles! :):):):):)
hmms, nothing much to blog...oh! went for stretch fit just now.
and im now stretched. and totally tired and wobbly.
-.-" old ageeee.
Friday, August 03, 2007

saw this on xiaogui's blog. thought it was smthg to think about.
don't we subconsciously start labelling ppl around us?
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
new specs! :D
tmr's start of school!!
and i'm sick-ish :(
nvm! sleep! now!