Monday, November 26, 2007
i have been tagged.
early in the morning, ally msg-ed me excitedly telling me that piggie has blogged about her parcel.
so i went to check it out and i saw the mentioning of my one-side-printed-black-on-neon-colouredpaper.... hahaha. whey, the papers are super useful okay..!!
ok, so i was tagged by corrine.
no, it was her meer mentioning on the msn and i insisted that she tagged on my tagboard. haha.
1.Do the following WITHOUT complaint
2.Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3.Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.
4.Start your post with; I have been tagged!
Favourite Colour: green but i'm currently obsessed with purple.
Favourite Food: i like alot of food haha.
Favourite Movie: eh, its game plan for now.
Favourite Sport: seriously, cardiolatino.
Favourite Day: sunday :D
Favourite Season: winter
Favourite Ice-cream: lemon
Current Mood: gloomy and cold due to the coming rain
Current Clothes: oversized aussie int'l festival tee + shorts
Current Desktop: my lappie, striker
Current Time: 1235 hrs
Current Surroundings: my room. on my wooden floor.
First Best Friend: wonky
First Crush: this boy from pri sch.
First Movie: eh, challenging my memories eh.
First Lie: eh this is even better.
First Music: hmm, jesus loves me this i know, for the bible tells me so. cos it was the sch's bell.
Last drink: home cooked water :D
Last Crush: gong yoo from coffee prince :D
Last Phone Call: eh i don't know. i use the sms more. last sms was serene though.
Last CD played: Live DBSK 2nd Concert CD
Have you ever dated one of your good friends: no
Have you ever broken the law: no..bah?
Have you ever been arrested: no
Have you ever been on TV: no
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: no
5 things you are good at:
1) oversleeping,
2) not sleeping,
3) marathon kdrama-ing,
4) hyena laughing in the middle of the night due to overhighness from crunchyrolling/youtubing/mysoju-ing,
5) going goo-goo gaga over korean singing.
why do i feel that i have no life?
5 Things you've done today: going to do can?
1) tuitioning
2) meeting serene and jo for dinner
3) blogging
4) reading sunday times. i know, its a little outdated.
5) go popular to buy assessment books for my kids.
the next to be tagged : pearlie, wenqi, piggie, serene, michelle
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
remind me to refrain from spending a single cent as of today!
else i can't pay for my humongous exams fees in jan.
oh bothers.
Friday, November 16, 2007
singing with serene was fantabulous.
have you ever felt that you are forced to do things you don't want to do?
have you ever felt that your life is in a mess and you hope to turn back time?
and, there is smthg wrong with the internet connection. i can't upload/attach stuff and it is irritating me.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
did i ever mention how much i love weekends?
especially sundays.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
feeling tired.
anybody knows any way to cure insomnia?
Friday, November 09, 2007
drowning in junsu's voice.
drowning in yoochun's voice.
drowning in jaejoong's voice.
drowning in dbsk's voices.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
happy deeeeeeepavali.
solomon pasta lunch date.
lot one's bake rice nice!!
bashers bbq cum filming pdt cum bonding!
games are great. bloooop.
i got to drink chilli + soy sauce + water.
bbq's good. did lotsa stupid stuff haha.
helped with the cooking haha.
went off around 10 when the guys changed into their army uniforms and are just about to start filming haha.
took lotsa photos.
will update someday.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
somehow i did something and now everything is in bold.
call me a html code idiot.
how can i forget that i have a econs test on this coming friday?!
oh, i hate quarrels btw.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
show you smthg insane we did today.
but! why are the nails on the laptop now?!
cos.. before i went to bathe.. left hand drop one nail, right hand drop two nail..
stupid glue!
to think i love love love the left hand nails so so so much :(
now its for display.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
the Game Plan is released today!
i want to watch it!!
the Rock is like super hot.
oh no no, he's now call Dawyne Johnson.
met up with ex-temp colleagues today.
heh i MISS them!
they never fail to crack me up.
or was it the other way round?
anyws, i miss you! yanli,lingjie,shirley!
we are the laughable quo!
eh correct right? duo,trio..then quo?
pompoms for serene who's having her cheena paper later.
jiayou lo! :D