Thursday, January 31, 2008
i'm super happy. i have lessons till 11.30am tmr! should be till 6.30pm but teacher cancel lesson till er... i dunno when. and i forgot and sihui told me today. YAYers. super happy!
i decided to reply to tags.
corrine: do you want to see bellypig dance? haha!
serene: HEH. cheena......COOL! ok, imitation of the huayu( chinese) COOL. and OKAY, i'll upload bellypig's wonderful dance moves soon. i tried before, but apparently blogger don't like his moves, don't let me upload. chaota is super cute. did i tell? i ALMOST used chaota to smack down a big flying weird insect but thanks to my quick reflexes, i picked up stacks of newspaper to smack instead. :D
ally: i suspected it was YOU!!
littlepig-io: who is so cute in the photo?? me?? ally?? you?? HAHA. me right. :D oh well, born in me. *shrugs* haha!
jojo: awww, i know you can't run away from us!! can't run out of our palms. (nice direct translations :D)
shir: SHIRLEY! you tagged! o.O
ally: therapy sessions! :D
jojo: yes mum. i'm off to sleep soon! oh no mum, i haven't bathe! :D
michelle: why you cannot come my blog?? ehh you have internet access already?? woohoo! and we where got bad. we gave you such a memorable arrival! we're really very maluated. faints. you are very bad too! you shove the blame to jojo! your mum said that it was changed a few days before you return leh, so it was too late to update le! you organise the next meeting okay! we were tentativ-ing the first monday in the cny, i forgot what's the reason we chose that day. check if soo and jojo and ning got school not.. haha.
soo: okay i asked you read my blog. haha! so thickskin faints. someday i bring bellypig show you! :D
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
How can I avoid flu?The best way to avoid getting flu is to keep your immune system strong by eating a healthy diet, taking regular exercise, getting enough rest and relaxation and not smoking.
You should also avoid people
who are coughing and sneezing, especially if they're not covering their mouth and nose.
bold- that's me!
and my family is playing the spread-the-cough game!
beware people.
bad weather = rapid circulation of diseases
drink more water! :D
Monday, January 28, 2008
bahh.croaks the rednose graceh.
dad gave me some medicine that he is taking for his flu now and it made me worst.
the sniffs came even more often.
Friday, January 25, 2008
the acronym everyone knows.
aka - also known as.
the acronym only our ibm class know.
akk - ang kong kia.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
i was thinking, how about another few random photos? :D

Beauty World cha-cha-cha - Irene Ang - Ah Choo the maid. she is so hilariously cute.
what's new. that's serene and her craziness. haha.
and she's rosemary from the musical! i so love her costumes. its all in different colours of polkadots! :D even her shoes and nails have matching polkadots!
that's me and my godma at my godbro's wedding lunch :D people say we look alike. haha.
Monday, January 21, 2008
the stayover unglam
piggie and tofu. on my bed =.=
something nice, else i can sense daggers from aussie.
eh, seriously ally was high that day.
ally you looked cute.
seriously. :)
yup, that's me under covers.
i mean pillows.
who's hand is that?!
own up!
introducing my family members

name: TOFU the speeding car!
initial d addict. not!
heh. cute isn't she?
gift from sihui and shirley and pearlie from last birthday :D
name: oh-so-confused is the CHAOTA.
the gingerbread given by serene for last christmas.
why confused?
'cos we couldn't decide if he is called starry,sausage man or whatsoever. thus the confused :D
name: bellypig!
the oh-so-famous pig of youth alive! :D
can you see he is doing sit ups in the photo?
he can do more than that!
tag me if you want to see more :D
welcome miss hangzhou, hides the paiseh cheenas.
today was a really eventful day.
that's all i could say :)
God works in ways which we cannot see.
i felt it today.
first, we met up at 5pm to eat together and prepare the board.
chinese characters had to be cut out stroke by stroke, double side taped and pasted on the board.
at around 6.30pm, serene went to check the schedule and found no flight coming from hangzhou, and no flight which tallied with the number mich gave us.
then jojo and serene went to check the counter, and they checked and confirmed there is no such flight number.
so we paniced.
we do not have michelle's parents' number, her house number is no longer in use, we do not have her coursemates' numbers.
jojo doubled checked her msn convo with mich. it was the correct info.
the nearest flight we found matching was scheduled at 7.10pm, and coming from shanghai.
our board is half done at 7.09pm
then, jojo tried contacting her friend's friend who is in the same course as michelle. thank God it was a success.
and we confirmed that its the 7.10pm flight at terminal 3.
we were at terminal 2 b-king.
of course we paniced.
but in the midst, we still got the board done within 5 minutes and chionged for the skytrain.
and so we were still earlier than mich, as she was held up in the customs and buying of stuff.
not to mention, us 4 were making so much of noise, holding onto the board, running across terminal 2 and 3. as though some big star is coming. but somehow we felt like we were the big stars.
anyways, the board was meant to embarrass mich.
but apparently, we were the ones embarrassed.
i think half the terminal 3 saw our board, and the whold ngeeann ppl who came saw.
but no doubt. it was fun.
then it was exploration of t3 :)
i want us to stay this way.
no matter what,
i know we will :)
ps, God does wonders.
the wedding lunch
the long awaited wedding lunch.
high spirited me was met with foul mood godbro.
the wonders work could do to a person within a split second.
got snapped for nothing. bahs.
wells, can't blame a person in a bas mood.
what say when everything goes wrong on THE day.
but the lunch went quite well.
small and cosy.
Monday, January 14, 2008
eh. suddenly i feel so loved.
haha. i shan't emo no more.
else you lovelies will come hammer my head.
no worries.
penthouse rang me up today to fire me.
so i'm now left with one tuition.
and the secondary offer is kept on hold by agency.
i should be quite broke.
anyways. studies first now.
churchie second!
studies fees third. haha.
i'm feeling loved.
i realised i've registered for exams.
i've paid for the exams fees.
i'm one month away from revision month.
i'm one month away from mock exams.
i'm only 4 months away from my real exams!
and, i'm giving tuition like a maniac and not studying.
sometimes not being able to express oneself physically,verbally or literature-ly is quite a sad issue.
yet another random note.
bro just reformatted my com.
don't know how long it will last. bro say its the ie7. but i dont think it was that.. re installed. :X naughty me haha.
anyway, watched beauty world cha-cha-cha today. its really really good. we were 4th row from the front. serene ally corrine me. so you could imagine how near the stage and up close we can see them. it was awesome. its a must watch. yupps.
anyw, i think my suayness is back to stay again. haha. but somehow i'm feeling okay with it. well. not a big issue.
hmm. today was a long day. definitely.
it had its ups and downs.
the tiredness and its leisure :]
i just love productions.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
ok, so i thought i have gone missing for a long enough time. :D
nahh, its just my lappie and his tempers.
ok, since when is my lappie a male?since a million years ago. :Dso school has started for me again.
sharon has gone back to aussie land.
i am starting to feel busy again.
and i have listed in my resolutions to study hard and work hard.
but why is it so difficult?
somehow, i am losing my aims in life.
it seems very hard to control the speed of time as it whiz past me.
without me knowing.
does anyone know how to curb the habit of oversleeping and not sleeping?
i am so in need of a remedy for this ever-headache for me.
i can't seem to get things done with this sickness bugging me!
new year. new start.
study hard, work hard, consistent bible reading.