Sunday, September 21, 2008
it's WN 2008 today!
well, i had fun and serene you should have come man.
so i was at church at 9am till 11pm!
in between going for tuition.
shall write more when i'm not tired.
andandand i'm so hungry my mum's fried rice taste HEAVENLY.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
long day one (and it'll be a long post)
i really think that ning's life is full of unexpected turns.
for other people, leaving sg to other countries for further studies is already a very sad issue.
and just the departure scene is tearful enough.
however, for ning, even a simple 12 hr flight (ok, it's not as simple as it sound) to the other half of the globe can take almost a day and a half.
the drama starts with serene, me and soohuay going to the airport to send off ning last night(14sept) at 10.20pm. soo had a dramatic turnup, just like korean dramas, where she cabbed to the airport, yelled at the driver, ran across the airport in heels in search of ningdie.
oh right, before that, it was my share of drama. I saw joanna's whole family* at the airport. She was there to send off her cousin. She was shocked to see me, so was I. Haha.
Background info: So, ning is going to bristol(?) with her 3 friends. And, coincidentally, one of the friends is joanna's cousin. o.O
That explains everything. heh.
So we bade farewell at the departure gate and thought ning is on the flight alrdy. Who knows, she texted at 1.30am saying she has been taxiing the runway for 2 hours and just as she texted, the captain said the flight has been rescheduled to 4.25am due to technical problems and fog. We thought its super exaggerated already, and who knows again, she gave a good morning message and said the flight has been rescheduled to 3pm, and she's on her way to Crowne Plaza hotel to rest as prepared by SIA. How dramatic can it get!
Oh wows, I can only say ning, maybe they know your air-sickness eh. that's why they delayed time after time :D
*really whole family, pastor ng, mr goh, deborah..etc..
today is start of school!
- woke up around 6.30am. it was a pretty easy wake up as i slept for 3+ hours only. haha. insomnia+ worried for ning.
- it was pouring when i went out of house at 7.30am. URGH.
- the train is jampacked. was feeling super disgusted by this uncle who was sticking behind me. i couldn't budge. if only i had space to move la. but, urgh, 阴影.
- i think my dress sense for today was a total screw up.
- had marketing today. seems like my lecturer is a hongkie. she's interesting, but the min she off the lights to show various advertisement clips, it's gone case for me. (HAHA)
- went home to nap a while before going for tuition in the evening.
- went for cf maf celeb at lakeside around 8.30pm.
- was stranded for about half an hour, kept walking, but i found them around 9pm.
- left the place around 10.30. and met serene at jp for macs dinner/supper = dinper. :D
and cabbed home with serene sponsoring :D
oh, the post didn't turn out as long as i expected. good that i used point forms. :D
alright then, it's time to say goodnight.
tmr's another long day.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
the really scary lenses experience.
for the right, i took 5 min to pop in the lens.
for the left, i took half an hour to pop it in.
then i took it out after 4 hrs.
ppl tell me that taking out is easier and faster.
butbutbut, i don't think so!
i took half an hour to pinch out that 2 plastics!
if you tell me about practice makes perfect, i'll tell you about phobia built-up.
CG experience no more, it became aftermeal chat and archade!
ps, CG - chinese garden.
ambushed ning at her place ytd.
gave her a simple advanced birthday celeb.
she saw my camera the min she open her house door lar. )':
but the short gathering is still nice and cosy and noisy(:
oh how i love them so :D
Saturday, September 13, 2008
aye, i have this impulse to buy this book to read. and i think sehly might be interested too [:
the memory keeper's daughter - kim edwards
lalala, but i'm low on cash. haha.
still need to find ways to get my $700 continuing registration fees.
i've been groaning toooo much.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Happy birthday MOMMY!seriously you don't look 50! still as pretty yo!
just called my mum to sing her birthday song.
and told her many happy birthdays from many ppl namely ally serene foodfiesta ppl.
:D she sounded paiseh (cos my voice was blasting through the phone and the whole meizhenxiang can hear it)
but its super fun! :D
sidetracked a lil, my ma seriously faked that smile ya.
and oh, my dad looks kinda suave here too!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
rmb the powerpuff girls song?
-love love love, love love love love, love love love love makes the world goes round!
and so, i improvised it, and changed it to,
fees fees fees, fees fees fees fees, fees fees fees fees make my world go siao.
if you're getting a 'lil blur,
please check out powerpuff girls - love makes the world go round.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
today seemed like an eventful day for me.
but thankfully through God's guidance i didn't really feel tired or lethargic.
although timings made me yank my hair, i still, succesfully arrived at my various destinations in one piece. (tsk, one piece leh)
so there was WN combined rehearsal from 10-2pm.
then i bused down for wei en's tuition from 3-4.30pm.
by then i'm famished. so i went home for some instant noodles. hah.
then went outta house at 5pm, trained down to city hall for food feista! meeting which is at 6.
bro called while i was on my way, practically yelled in the train.
told me to skip meeting, leave at 7pm etc.
but of course i cant. the event is starting in 3 weeks. it's only the second meeting. of course i have to go to make things clear first ma. and i/c will be late la.
but in the end we came to consensus to meet at 7.45.
and thank goodness our meeting kinda settled some stuff, so i slipped off first.
sigh, super apologetic.
anyw, so the whole family went to a really nice restaurant to have dinner to celebrate mum & dad's birthday, which is on 11th and 25th sept respectively.

we had casual chinese cuisine at the Chew's.
quite nice! shall upload some photos when my network is cooperative.
then it started pouring!! o.O
but thank GOD! we were not drenched at all, as there is shelter from anchorpoint to ikea where we parked the cars.
so overall, all's well and bro kee had emailed me the ppt.
he got me worrying for the past few days la.
OH, jojo made my day when i checked my blog just now before i go cityhall.
because YOU TAGGED!
i'm like zeeellly happpy :D

may this coming year be another year full of happiness and bliss.
and you'll stay as crazy as ever, be truly happy always!
here's a blog entry to you, as an apology for not texting you ytd!
(bows 270 degrees)
(struggles between changing date to 5th or not.)
(decided against it)
(honesty is a virtue :D)
Friday, September 05, 2008
hana yori dango final
*boys over flowers final*
eh, the movie is not bad, say the shooting the scene the people etc.
but after you finish the show, the conclusion and the reason behind everything kinda pulled the whole movie down.
oguri shun as a pastor at the very end was a total comedy.
he is the true blue comedian!
i hate it when people misunderstand me.
maybe it's my fault.
so, meeting agenda is sent but my email is not replied.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
met up with ally ytd to go buy contacts trial.
and we bought really expensive pouch.
we succumb to impulses really easily.
haha. my bad.
then it was cf. didn't really feel like going due to the rain.
but i'm glad i went.
met a whole lotta cute bunch [:
met for dinner first then cf then supper.
reached home at 12. O_O
haha. like :D!
at least it wasn't sucha a bad experience as_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
p6kid gave me a teacher's day present.
kind of freaked me out.
those who knew, alr knew.
went serene's hostel tog with ning.
to visit the temporarily handicapped serene.
ning bought a mountainful of food for her as housewarming gifts haa. i kinda helped by dropping some boxes accidentally into the basket. :D
serene's friend left her jap textbook at serene's hostel.
the title is " Japanese, for Singaporeans"
like, eh?
so does it mean,
paiseh - sumimasenthankyou - arigatouxiah mi?! - nani?!and, her friend is called "chan kah mun"
doesn't it sound like "ca ka man" in korean?
(which means wait a minute)heh. ningdie lin, you are so funny eh. and we are such bad girls to tease other ppl's names.
change skit rehearsal.
sat in for band rehearsal. :D
sick! (
sumimasen adel.
(you jumped across the grasspatch with gummy!)lol.
stayed home, a few tremours, tuition.
rumoured, results will arrive by post today.
and bro got to know about it, and he tricked me into believing one of the power bills was my result slip.
(my heart skip a beat)then, someone knocked at my door. i thought they had dhl-ed it over from london.
so i jumped from the bed, ran to the door, to find a salesman selling icecream to me.
(i almost fainted)those two incidents happened within half an hour. back to back.
tell me about a weak heart.
sihui called out of the blue while i was watching hzgg. (aaha, i can explain about hzgg)
so i happily answered and she was here to inform me about the release of results in the portal!
have you ever played freeze and melt?
well, its not a game now, i literally froze.
so i calmly (or so i assumed) on my striker, went on to portal with much patience, and saw my results.
and, i didnt fail any! SAFE!
after seeing my results, i literally melted too.
and i started babbling on the phone with sihui.
i'm sorry girl. *bows 150degrees*
tell me about rollercoaster.
i don't even have to be on it, to experience it.