Friday, October 31, 2008
Attention! Attention! There is a big hoo-ha at the tagboard over mingde! HAHA.
anyway, first things first.
may you stay 18 forever :D

gave corrine a surprise attack over at her house on her bday night itself.
haha, gave her a marshmellows filled icecream for her.
(yes mich, i koped this idea from your friends! thank her for me! :D)
andandand, i played wii over at ahboygorgor's house on deepavali and last thurs!
floats around~
tsk, it was last day of p1 tuiton on wed. (STAR JUMPs!)
met up with soo today for dinner.
been a longgg time since we went out tog, just two of us.
always with the crazee bunch la. haha.
felt good just talking and having dinner and dessert.
miss those days when we mug tog for o's and a's la.

andandand, it's coming!
i want, nobody nobody but chu!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
spent half a day having lesson and tuition.
then spent the other half with cheenas.
lunched at shokudo,
gave the presents to mich and serene.
and played mich's ds.
super fun.
muay thai is attached!
to ming de.
(note, names have been changed)
muay thai asked us to guess.
start with m.
so we guessed for about 3hrs.
matthew,marc,mark,max,manfred,muthu,muthusamy,mucus,money,money morgor, MIGHTY MOUSE!
(how come leesiongboon can get into our conversation so easily?, but i was laughing at that for at least 10 min)
and we narrowed to malcolm and melvin and money morgor.
he really got the face of m___ lee mingde.
seriously, he suits that name! hohoho!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
a small interlude in school today.
adel and amanda was late today. we left seats for them.
this is our seating arrangement.
left aisle| empty| empty| sihui| me| empty| middle aisle
they came in from the middle aisle, amanda went to the empty seat next to the left aisle.
adel went to the empty seat next to the middle aisle.
hehe, adel was supposed to go to the empty seat next to sihui.
adel you're so cute :D
eh, i forgot if i'd washed away the conditioner in my hair.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
You don't have to have money,
To make it in this world,
You don't have to be skinny baby,
If you wanna be my girl.
Oh you just gotta be happy,
But sometimes that's hard (sometimes that hard),
To just remember to,
Smile smile smile,
And that's a good enough start.So if you ain't good looking,
Don't you let it get you down,
And if your love life ain't cookin' baby,
There'll be more fish around,
Oh you just gotta stay happy,
So put away that frown,
Just remember to,
Smile smile smile
To turn the world around.Just remember to,
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Come on and show us your teeth,
And what you got underneath.
Coz everyones got troubles,
But that's the way the story goes,
You don't need to get in trouble baby,
To see what's underneath your nose,
Oh coz if your feeling happy,
That's the place to let it show,
So just remember to,
Smile, smile, smile,
So everybody knows.
And it will make things so much better,
When your feeling low.
Just remember to,
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Smile smile smile
Come on and show us your teeth,
And what you got underneath. (x3)
Smile, smile, smile,
You gotta
Smile, smile, smile,
Just remember to Smile, smile, smile, To turn the world around.-McFly, Smile
oh, i forgot to mention,
i simply can't wait for
snow white and the seven dwarfs!
you're twenty!
it hasn't been the best of weeks.
what's with the last day at p6's,
and everyday at p1's.
it's not at all easy dealing with a 7-year-old every night.
i think i'll age terribly after the exam period T.T
bought my secondhand textbooks at half the prices. whooyay :D
"do not benchmark yourself with the others, or you will have a never ending list of things to complete. "
-so said by this econs lecturer, ex-cfer.
and, on a random note, i love jay's new song, dao xiang!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
seriously, treating people as non-existent is the most hurtful thing.
be it on purpose or not.
your bad day becomes my bad day.
but well, one should more or less be used to this if they grow up in this kind of environment.
thus changing of mindset, changing of oneself so that one can integrate to the norms of what people are doing.
when you're talking to a person, look at him/her.
isn't that basic courtesy?
how crappy can a day get.
Monday, October 06, 2008
a pleasant surprise from the solomons as they came to visit me ytd.
was down with the diarrhea package.
and, apparently they stalked me.
and obviously i didn't realise.
one of them said i won't even know if i was being robbed.
errr, i take that as a compliment.
ignorance is bliss...
so, what i wanted to say is, such little surprises and gestures in life are actually the things that warm my heart (:
thanks peeps.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
it's home sweet home day tmr.
and i shall attempt to read the socio textbook which i borrowed on tuesday.
it looks interesting.
i'm thinking of buy otia and soci textbooks.
50plus + 40plus + 40plus = i don't want to know.
or shall i photocopy the w.h.o.l.e textbook?
i realise, when i need to read from an angle, silent reading doesn't work for me.
i need to read them out!
i prove this right on every tuition when i need to read upside down.
i'm super fluent :D
i proved it again just now, blog reading with ms oh.
i had a lot of things to write about.
i was thinking of them as i bathe just now.
but i barely remembers a thing now.
sociologists make the familiar strange.
i so love this sentence.
people always don't understand what i'm talking about.
so, that makes me somewhat a sociologist eh.
oh, i'm so hungry now :(
i have no motivation to continue typing.
my fingers feel jelly.
"i want, nobody nobody but chu(you)."
"wither you, wither you, wither you, wither you, wither you"
- what's the similarity between this two songs?
-the singers
same same but different.
serene and i have alot of similarities.
we have a lot of differences too.
you were saying, we hadn't had a serious quarrel before eh.
i wonder why too.
you're quick tempered, i'm so insensitive and blur that i might make you explode any time.
but hey, i'm still alive and kicking.
we're really on this balance beam that might tilt any moment eh. haha.
and adding to that, i'm just as quick tempered too.
haha. oh wells, i think we don't fight because, i forget really quick and you tend to forget and text/talk to me in the blink of eye. :D
and yes, our actions are way too comical too.
and seriously, why fight over that stupid book!
not worth it yo. seven years.
but actually, we can't count in the first two years.
its being in 3e4, and the only 2 hcls in 3e4 yo.
wang li~ (randoms)
someday, someday i'll succeed in the oh-bb manifestation.
randoms, you stayed over last tue!
and my dad asked for you on wed night -.-
like so naturally.
shoot, tell me about your relationship with my dad.
happy children's day.
it's psle in 2 days.
03 oct - 08 oct.
fingers crossed.
prays real hard.
(punctuations boy! spelling boy! paragraphs boy!!)
and i gave my kid a massager, the animal-head-on-the-stick which you hit your back with. :D
sihui and i ladies night-ed last thurs.
hurhur, i like 2 person k session.
my bro changed a new modem.
the speed is horrendously faster now.
whoohoo! (<-- haha tsk tsk, corrine!)
diarrhea-ed over the weekend.
ohhh!! it was singapore grand prix weekend!
i'm super happy fernando alonso got first.
but kimi raikkonen, my jaw literally dropped when he banged at the last 5th lap.
and i feel like singing " kimi o aishiteru~" everytime i say kimi.
hahaha. ( and i see ning's grin while serene starts singing)
mass msg > no reply > mass again > still no reply >mass again > 1 reply.
no money collected.
deadline not met.
meeting on fri. 9am.
eh, i don't feel like typing alr.
-edited :
suddenly i'm missing ning!
ning you're missed!!
yells across the oceans.
it's like a few posts before, i'm still yakking away about you! =(
survive in bristol aye.
survive in your dim room.
it's looks cosy though. (: