Tuesday, April 21, 2009
my first bottle of wine.

it's an umbrella!
bro got it from philippines.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
i walk into the sewing machine located at the bend when i woke up the other day. in the end i got a big bruise on my thigh.
i was suntanning as i was seated in the sun in the library yesterday. my scalp feels hot. sunburnt maybe?
there's no contacts/sms records in my phone anymore. i brought it for repair cos there's no screen. so much for the love to save msges. i have like 3000 msges inside. what's the use if you have storage space. customer service will just say, " sorry mdm, we can do nothing about it." x100
3/4 of my kid's exam dates are the same as mine. haha.
stressed is the word.
time is something i want to buy.
and, ning was totally random the other day when she sent me this.
but it made me :D for one full day.

introducing mr. katsu-kun!
and i was debating with her over the email the meaning of katsu.
well, i always eat katsu-don and it means chicken, so, mr. chicken meat.
but she insisted katsu = victory.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
i kind of remembered this random incident that happened last week as i see pearlie's tag.
it was on april 1st.
and it was a pretty common morning as i took the train to clementi, on my way to school.
and as i was about to tap my card to get out of the station, i spotted pearlie who is tapping her card to come in.
so she came in, and i went to call out to her, at the same time subconsciously tapping my card.
so, technically speaking, i'm out of the station alr.
but my mind was so focused on catching pearlie's attention that i'm still inside the station. i didn't get out at all. LOL.
talk about classic expressions exchange when i looked at her.
according to her, i gave her a shocked+sigh+ nothing i can do expression, while she gave me a shocked+surprised+i can't talk much cos we're gg different direction look.
apparently she thought i was outside the stn and she is inside. that explains the look. haha, it must be she hadn't wake up.
i'm still in the station! just that there is a long queue behind me waiting to get out.
oh and sihui,pearlie,shirley and i met for dinner today. it was hilariously funny. we were laughing at the silliest and smallest things.
to either one of you reading, shall we meet like monthly?
andandand, pearlie and i both fell embarrassingly at the busiest hour in clementi mrt station before. hahahaha.
why? we were trying to avoid banging into people coming our way.
and we both think we handled the situation well.
up till today :D
i'm sorry pearlie :/