Sunday, November 29, 2009
Be a doer not a hearer.
although today's sermon weren't that captivating, i still manage to catch a point.
as everyone knows, action speaks louder than words. but do we actually execute it?
yes, it's essential to be a good listener, but taking in too much and not acting it out is a big problem too.
i think i have such a problem some times too, goes in through the left ear and out through the right a split second later. isn't that so for lectures, especially mummy's lectures? haha. so, we should not procrastinate and not act out whatever that we had taken in. of course, filtering is necessary too. one must have his own opinions yes yes. haha.
okay, so here's promising myself, actions actions.
first, i'll try to change my tuition kids and my own attitude towards studies. HAHA.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
By Faith
Hebrews 11 - By Faith
i was troubled over things-
my brother has to go to philippines next week for his business trip. he goes there monthly. no matter what we say, he insist on going. the massacre there is no joke.
and He once again enlightened me. He reminded me that i have not be putting enough trust in Him. everything is done in His time. so, if my brother is to go over, He will definitely look over him. by faith, we will have strength that we do not possess and do the impossible. so here i am, praying for my brother's safety.
By faith.
and i see bits and pieces of God's work done.
my cousin told my brother about baptism.
he came home asked me.
he says he is coming, then he will be flying to philippines after that.
can you tell how happy i am?
i told my parents, thought they'll convey the msg, my bro missed it.
then comes my cousin.
so i was shocked when he accusingly asked me why i didn't tell him.
and i start to think back, since when did we start texting/calling/?
we used to not speak a word to each other.
i guess He really does work in ways we can't see yeah?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
am i wrong to hate?
it's often read in the bible to "Love your enemies"
how many of us are actually able to do this?
for me, i think i'm still far from it.
i have a long, ongoing "hate" list.
or rather, a list of "i-can't-stand" (but prolly more towards hate. haha.)
i can't stand/hate
- inconsiderate smokers. well, they can smoke, but can't they think of the people around them? aren't we innocent? why must we suffer because of your own pleasure? i mean, just be considerate and smoke no where near a hdb building, is that too much to ask for? hot(cancerous) air rises and i live on low levels. ):
-irresponsible spouses who have children. the most innocent party is none other but the children.
-gambler addicts. i can only see more cons than pros. enough said.
-norms,conformity and stress. why? cos though it leads to order and competitiveness, it will also lead to cranky behaviours and depression, worse death.
-stereotypers. everyone is more or less stereotyping everyday, that's how our brain works. we categorise things. but, clique-ish and looking down on people who don't behave "normally" (normal = the same way as you do) ?
-kids who doesn't know how to appreciate things they have. shen zai fu zhong bu zhi fu. i may be one too when i was young. haha.
and the list goes on.
oh no. this is bad. the list can go on and on. and when will i have the compassion and love to hug everyone of this category?
hmm, i know i'm still not at the stage where i will forget about my "i-can't-stand" towards them and go right up to them and try to change their mentality and be there with them to help them with the changing of mindset/behaviour/habit.
when the day arrives, will be the day when i am able to say outright that i love my enemies.
if not, i don't think i can do it now.
i shall work towards this tough goal. before that, i will still continue twitting "I HATE..." :x
ah, this thought came about when i was bathing. LOL.