Monday, December 28, 2009
'twas a christmas full of carollings! :D
andand, happy first birthday THAD kiddo! :D

why are you staring at me? lol.

and of course we gotta take a photo with the prettiest sister Gladys (:
Sunday, December 20, 2009
All who is happy say YAY! :D :D
No words can express how happy and nervous i was. and this will be the official second birthday of mine (:
and so, Grace Heah will start from scratch again. She is now zero years of age once more.
She is still learning her ropes in Christian-living so.. 请多多指教!
lalalalalalala~ so now i can sing songs day in day out?
not like i haven't been doing that, with my own lyrics somemore (and got corrected by amanda lol!)
YAYs. a day i won't forget.
p.s. it's fine corrine. you rushed! it's the thought that counts. no need to cry. hahah. why so cute? (:
p.p.s and i guess it's quite wonderful to get baptised with your cousin. (:
Saturday, December 19, 2009
God does answer prayers.
for the past few days, be it the biggest issue or the smallest issue, He has been showing me so many miracles that I myself is so amazed.
say, how can it be that i was up on the peak of bt timah hill and the wind started howling really dangerously. i started to pray that it will not rain until we get down cos it will be really dangerously for us, and the campers from this random children's camp. and so, i could hear the howling and i could even see rain at the city but just not the forest. somehow, the minute we got down from the hill, it started pouring. how wonderful is the timing?
then, the dress which i got online, which i prayed and prayed that it must not go wrong cos i don't have any time to go search for baptism clothes, turned out reallly wrong. and so i panicked. and i asked around. the next morning, DING, i thought i was able to think clearly. consolidating the various opinions, i started mixing clothes that i already have and tada, i have it. I am happy cos i can look presentable on such an important day, and I am happy too cos He showed me the fact that if you trust Him, He'll show you the way, when there seems to be no way.
then there was this incident, where my friend needed help. but, i couldn't help cos i didn't know the essential details. Helplessness. and so i prayed. real hard. that was the only thing i could do. then she texted. said she's fine. Relief? i think i can just literally scream THANK YOU GOD, then break down and cry. Hahah. yes, crybaby i am.
you know, i reminded myself that i needed to give you a hug when i see you. but, memory fails.
well, yea. actually, these were all really big issues in my opinion. and this got me marvelling once again. He will never abandon. only we will. Hmm, time to reflect.
*chiong to do quiettime.*
here i come (:
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A sound reminder?
for i have been fretting over the smallest and biggest things.
here's what i saw when i read my online devotional for ytd.
"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 (NLT)
When the Apostle Paul says, "Always be full of joy in the Lord," he doesn't say only be joyful in good times. Even when times are tough, The Bible teaches we can be joyful if we follow this simple strategy -
Don't worry about anything.
Worrying doesn't change anything. It's stewing without doing. There are no such things as born-worriers. Worry is a learned response. You learned it from your parents. You learned it from your peers. You learned it from experience. That's good news. The fact that worry is learned means it can also be unlearned.
How do you unlearn it? Jesus says (Matthew 6:34), "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own." He's saying don't open your umbrella until it starts raining. Don't worry about tomorrow. Live one day at a time.
Pray about everything.
Instead of worrying, use your time for praying. If you prayed as much as you worried, you'd have a whole lot less to worry about. Is God interested in car payments? Yes. He's interested in every detail of your life. That means you can take any problem you face to God.
Thank God in all things.
Whenever you pray, you should always pray with thanksgiving. The healthiest human emotion is not love but gratitude. It actually increases your immunities. It makes you more resistant to stress and less susceptible to illness. People who are grateful are happy. But people who are ungrateful are miserable because nothing makes them happy. They're never satisfied. It's never good enough. So if you cultivate the attitude of gratitude, of being thankful in everything, it reduces stress in your life.
Think about the right things.
If you want to reduce the level of stress in your life, you must change the way you think because the way you think determines how you feel. And the way you feel determines how you act, which is why the Bible teaches that, if you want to change your life, you need to change what you're thinking about.
This involves a deliberate conscious choice where you change the channels. You choose to think about the right things. Because the root cause of stress is the way we choose to think, we need to focus on the positive and on God's word.
What is the result of not worrying, praying about everything, giving thanks, and focusing on the right things? Paul says we will then "experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7 NLT)"
-Rick Warren
"Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Sunday, December 13, 2009
'tis the season to have
holidays falalalala lalalala
i do not want to go for lessons afterwards ):
Friday, December 11, 2009
it's been a busy busy busy week and i like it. it's december and it feels good to be busy.
went for beauty and the beast musical last friday and it was omo-ly hilariously entertaining. i totally love the two sisters of beauty (who is bella in original animation). they are desiree and b___ i can't rmb her name. lol. desiree is the really hilar sister played by chua en lai. go watch if you haven't and are interested. it's goooooood.
ohohoh, our dearest ningdie made us all customised 2010 calendars! HOW TALENTED RIGHT. i'm totally going to frame it and not use it though she made it porferated so that we can tear monthly. we're so not going to tear can.
had dimsum with my dear schoolmates on tuesday at my new favourite hangout place - chinatown. but coincidences happen and it just so happen amanda was there before. i'm so sorry dear. the food wasn't exactly fantastic too cos it's lukewarm. and service wasn't that fantastic prolly cos it's the naptime of the day. but it was still pretty nice to get together to have a meal out of school :D
and wednesday was sentosa day! was station master for youth camp and i was stationed at palawan beach. so i was all prepared for the big scorching sun, with my spf 50 spread on my face. but as i found a spot on the rocks overlooking the sea, i can see the dark clouds. BUT! i thought it was quite a good weather actually. i was asking God what would be the best weather to play these kinda games? i would rather hot scorching sun. but He gave us a rain shower before we started the games at 3pm and the weather is definitely much cooler.
so spf 50 wasn't of much use. so was the brolly. cos another shower came too suddenly again and i was rushing for shelter. for a second i thought i might slip and fall into the oceans can. and there at the shelter i met the red ants and they attacked me. yea. i think i told everyone the story. so details are eliminated. lol. amanda was saying they are really cute cos they can't find their home so they started attacking me as they climb onto my feet out of panic. imagine if i can't find my house. okay. it's kinda hilarious. lol.
so aches aside, i thought it was quite fun. i highly suspected the police coastguards thought i was about to do something silly cos they came dangerously near to me?
and thursday i went to help out at ally's station for the afternoon games then i went for tuition. nephew was surprisingly cooperative. prolly cos he hadn't seen me for a month and he miss me? awwwww. lol.
and today i went for the korean stars meet&greet session. it's really closeup and there were only twenty-odd of us who are able to get into the place. like omgosh omgosh ya? lol. but i was fineeee about it. and i actually shivered when i heard the young girls shriek their lungs out. help, i can't stand it. but it was a really rare and new experience and i had handshakes with every single one of them. though i only knew 3 out of 5 group of artistes. lol. i insisted that they wrote my name. well, most did. and shirley was asking, why do i need so many grace-s for? HAHA.
towards the end of the row of artistes are the two groups which i have no idea who they are. but, guess what, i had a decent time chatting with them. i was telling this "mario" group about my name grace and i linked to amazing grace, how she look pretty and i don't know handsome in korean and they taught me handsome in korean and i said it weirdly and we had a hearty laughter.
then, mario wrote this,
"we love you grace! mario"
awwww. i made their day, didn't i? hahaha.
i thought it made my day too. the rest were toooo cool and aloof and their managers had the fiercest faces. heyhey, you guys were once like us okay. bahhhh.
ohohoh, but ga-in was quite cute. i wanted her to write "grace" but the crew pushed me away and she gave me the apologetic smile and i gave the "it's fine" look. and requested for a handshake instead. lol. i'm easily satisfied yo. :D
and so, happy times fly~ and i still got to continue vexing over small little things in life. ):